Monday, August 24, 2015

Some surprises ahead.

I sleept for a couple of hours. I got some strange dreams that suddenly turned into nightmares. I saw my cockpit window shattering near a brown dwarf, my thrusters were offline. I was trying to get them back online but my autorepair system was faulty... My ship was falling into the brown dwarf. There were warnings all over, temperature raising, hull instability... And suddenly I wake up in my ship orbiting BRSO 14.
Wow man... that was a messed up dream. :-\
I get my brain back into my skull. I call the galaxy map and I set a course to the system M7 Sector CH-L C8-7.
This part of the trip was boring has hell. Good thing I had a pad with The Solitaire.
I bit later the solitare also got boring. Soo... I played some chess with the onboard computer. That wasn't a good idea because I... well... I wanted to kill the computer at some point it's not that I don't like to loose. It's just that I don't like to loose all the time. It wasn't a great idea to fly a ship without a navigation computer. Soo... I just spent about 700 ly bored has hell just doing the same boring tasks... scan system... watch system map... tell the computer to jump to the next system... check the fuel...
Almost arriving to my destination... I arrived at system M7 Sector CH-L C8-12 with two water worlds with an atmosphere similar to Earth... This was a catch! I got some nice detailed scans of this planets.
I forgot to take pictures, sorry... But I'll paint a picture. Here it goes...
Those two planets were blue... and had clouds. It had no visible land masses, soo... if u wanna go there, be sure to have a boat with you. :-\
A bit later I was in M7 Sector CH-L C8-7, I scanned the system. It didn't had anything of interest. :-\
Soo I set course to my next destination. A system 920ly away from me called BLU THUA XS-G B24-4.
I refueled my ship and got on my way again. A some jumps ahead I got into a region with a huge concentration of brown dwarf which made me rethink me strategy with the fuel because I didn't wanted to get stranded without fuel in this empty systems were the probability of finding someone is smaller then winning the lottary ten times in a row, and if you find someone the probability of them helping you is smaller then... a quark inside a glass of water?!?! Doesn't make sense? Well no worries. DON'T RUN OUT OF FUEL 1500ly FROM HOME. :-\
Soo... I made my first detour to a system with a G-type star called PRAEA EUQ IO-Z D 13, I refueled then I went for a spin around the system. It didn't had anything of great interest. But I took some picture to show my grandson one day...

A bit further I was getting low on fuel again, and every star I passed was a brown dwarf or something that didn't wanted to share it's hydrogen with me. So I had to make another detour to BLU THUA IM-W D1-49...
After that there were some more jumps to systems with brown dwarfs, which was scary because I had to make too more detours first to BLU THUA QY-S C3-25 where I found an Earth-like planet. :-) And this was a surprise!!! I think this may be a great place to go when I retire. ;-)
Check it... ;-)

A bit futher ahead I had to make another detour to BLU THUA IM-W D1-99 where I found a Water-world but this time I took a picture!!! :) Here it is below! ;)

A few more jumps and I arrived at my destination. It took me 3 hours to get to BLU THUA XS-G B24-4 and I was now at 2017ly from Sol. :-) It was the further I had been from home. And it felt great. :-)
I left my ship orbiting the star and went to bed. Yes... I made a kind of a cozy nest in the cargohold.:-\
I want to have a confortable expedition. :-)

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