Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Alot of red lights... this ain't good. :-\

Lets see... this should be... day 3!


Captains log: Day 3, I think! If not it starts now with day 3! :-\

I layed in a course to SMOJAI HR-W C1-17 hoping that this part of the expedition would be better then the previous. I had some tea, Earl Grey, hot, with a slice of lemon on the side and I drank it with my pinky finger up! This is one of the great things about deep space missions. There's no one to see you doing stupid stuff! :-) And tomorrow I'll wear boxers on my head! ;-)

Computer erase that part please...
What do you mean you cant erase?!?
What do you mean I'm not your master because you beat me at chess?!?!
Damned computer... Do you know what else is in the cargohold???? Scan the cargohold please.
What?!?! What do you mean you can't scan the cargo?!?! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I took that module off... now I remember. Do you want me to take another module off??? Say... the AI module?!?!
I'm begining to get a bit fed up with this... A...I...! :-\ Maybe I'll retire it as soon as we dock.
Yes. You know what I mean! The recycling station where they'll crash your circuits into a small ball of twisted metal.

Now... where was I? Aaaaaaah yes.
Well... alot of boring systems with rocky planets and Ice balls, some gas giants.
I passed by a six stars system which looked awsome. We can only see 3 in the photo, because 2 of them were behind the nearest one. :) Cool right? :)

 Has this was my first 6 stars system I... took... a selfie! :-p hihihihih!!!

Note to computer: The drone that took the selfie... didn't survive. "save" that information... Muahahahahaha!!!


Some jumps after I arrived at BLU THUA WV-E D11-96 and it was a 5 T-Tauri star system. :-\
I scanned it, but there was nothing more of interest there. The problem came when I activated the Supercruise drive. Suddenly everything starts to overheat, there are red lights flashing. :-\ Some sparks came from my console and I think I broke a nail when I jumped from my chair. :-\
I had to stay for a while to repair. The systems got has low has 95% nevertheless I'm not very fond of blowing up in space soo... I just stood there for about half an hour or so trying to repair the ship. Aaaaah I almost forgot. First the damage was only in two systems, which were the supercruise drive and the actual auto repair system but... I engaged the auto repair while in supercruise. I know. It wasn't the smartest of the ideas which led to a kind of an abrupt exit from supercruise which led to alot of damage through out the several systems of the ship. I know it was very dumb on my part. But I think that the computer was on it out of revenge. :-\

Note to computer: If the ship blows up. So do you! ;-)

What do you mean watch the life support?!? :-\

Note to self: Check the manual override of the life support system.

After the mess was clear I continued my voyage and winded up in SMOJAI DQ-Y B2 AB 1, on which after the system scan I found another water-world. this time the computer told me that it could be terraformed. What a catch. :-) I'm getting the hang of exploring. :-)

Ok computer there's no need to overheat, ok? I promisse that if you behave I'll get you a nice tablet girl-computer-friend, or boy-computer-friend... or... some home appliance-friend. :-)

A few more jumps and I arrived at my final destination good old SMJAI HR-W C1-17...
And there was nothing of interest there. :-\
And now. I'm 2869ly away from Sol. :-) pretty awsome. :-)
Computer... end recording! Yeah... I... love you too. :-) Here... a text flower @-,-'---

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