Thursday, August 20, 2015

One day I just packed my stuff and went away...

Well... this last months I've been around. I've joined the President Zachary. Well everybody needs a direction. I thought that this could be a possible path to get some more money to get a better ship and be on my way to the center of the galaxy. But has time passed I began to get fed up with the situation. Too much people wonder in this systems. Too many ships... I needed some quite. So I thought. I've my Asp well fitted... It seems like a good day to vanish into the unknown!

I started my voyage in the Frey system. I decided that I would try to do each day about 1000 ly.
I opened the galaxy map and I pointed toward the Crab Nebula. :) I always wanted to go there and see the remaints of a supernova. :) Soo... the first leg of my trip was toward BRSO 14. Right in the middle of the nebula, 342ly away from where I was. I passed a region where most stars were brown dwarfs which begun to make me nervous because I couldn't refuel, but then I saw the the systems ahead had some stars from where I could syphon hydrogen.
Has I entered BRSO 14 I looked around and... well saw space. :-\ If you're inside a nebula the density of gas is soo small that you won't see much. :-\ What you see from a distance is the sum of the light emitted from the several layers of ionized gas. :-\ Still there was the dwarf. :)
Well traveling this distance gets one a bit tired, so I got out of supercruise pointed my cockpit toward the star and pulled a can of beer and just stood there looking till I fell asleep... in the silence of space...

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