Wednesday, September 23, 2015

An ocean of darkness...

Computer... Coooomputerrrrrrrr!!!
Aaaah! You're awake, lets get on with this!

Condensed commanders log, days 4 and 5.
Yes... Two days I think. :-\
I had just set course to the Trifid Nebula some jumps ahead I started to enconter more and more T-Tauri and Brown Dwarf. This was a huge problem because I had to change course constantly to refuel. Soo I guess that this threw me a bit away from my previous well designed travel protocol which was. I would set a course to a star ahead, about 700 to 900 ly and I'd do that course no matter what. That way I'd know how far till I could get some rest. After I arrived to this region... I don't know the time anymore. (YES the time in my clock!!!)
I miss the perception of time and sometimes space. :-\ (I better lay of the sauce too...No worries there are only 10 cases left in the cargohold.)
This is a very dark region of space for someone that sees in the visible part of the spectrum. A bit brighter for those who can see infrared, which ain't my case. :-\

Wait!!! There's someone on the wing... :-o
Aaaaaah na! My ship has no wings. :-\

This region of space is affecting my judgment. :-\ Damn!!!

Well... but I still can recall some things to write in this log. Let me see... Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
Carefull there's a star system that has the beacon right between two stars. And it has 4 stars... Big system! Alot of stars in there. :-\ Cummon mate. Who in its right mind puts two stars that close?! Just look at this!

Then of into the darkness again. :-\
Computer, make mental note: Next time, remind me to buy a... how is it called?! Infrared seeing thingy. :-\ Camera! Thank you! That! Remember it, because I don't think that I will remember. :-|

Well after I don't know how long because I forgot to set the chronometer I got to the Trifid sector and the only thing I can still remeber is that I was 5207ly from Sol! :-\

Just look at me arriving there, and in therrrrrrrrrrrrr... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... zzzzzzzzzzzz... rrrrrrrr... zzzzzz...

Computer: The Commander is unconscious. Logging off.

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