Wednesday, September 23, 2015

An ocean of darkness...

Computer... Coooomputerrrrrrrr!!!
Aaaah! You're awake, lets get on with this!

Condensed commanders log, days 4 and 5.
Yes... Two days I think. :-\
I had just set course to the Trifid Nebula some jumps ahead I started to enconter more and more T-Tauri and Brown Dwarf. This was a huge problem because I had to change course constantly to refuel. Soo I guess that this threw me a bit away from my previous well designed travel protocol which was. I would set a course to a star ahead, about 700 to 900 ly and I'd do that course no matter what. That way I'd know how far till I could get some rest. After I arrived to this region... I don't know the time anymore. (YES the time in my clock!!!)
I miss the perception of time and sometimes space. :-\ (I better lay of the sauce too...No worries there are only 10 cases left in the cargohold.)
This is a very dark region of space for someone that sees in the visible part of the spectrum. A bit brighter for those who can see infrared, which ain't my case. :-\

Wait!!! There's someone on the wing... :-o
Aaaaaah na! My ship has no wings. :-\

This region of space is affecting my judgment. :-\ Damn!!!

Well... but I still can recall some things to write in this log. Let me see... Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
Carefull there's a star system that has the beacon right between two stars. And it has 4 stars... Big system! Alot of stars in there. :-\ Cummon mate. Who in its right mind puts two stars that close?! Just look at this!

Then of into the darkness again. :-\
Computer, make mental note: Next time, remind me to buy a... how is it called?! Infrared seeing thingy. :-\ Camera! Thank you! That! Remember it, because I don't think that I will remember. :-|

Well after I don't know how long because I forgot to set the chronometer I got to the Trifid sector and the only thing I can still remeber is that I was 5207ly from Sol! :-\

Just look at me arriving there, and in therrrrrrrrrrrrr... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... zzzzzzzzzzzz... rrrrrrrr... zzzzzz...

Computer: The Commander is unconscious. Logging off.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Boring and kind of scary also.

I should change to Commanders log instead of Captain. Yeap.
Well... lets start. Ooooooooooh you're already recording! Could you erase that please?!
What do you mean NO?!

Counting to 10... inhaling...exhaling...

Commanders log, day 4!

I started in DROJU YF-L D9-54 which was a class A star and I had set a course to Hershel 36 right in the middle of the Lagoon Nebula.
Yes. I know there's a part of the trip that is missing. That had to due with some beers that I had in my cargohold and also with some... memory issues on my computer. :-\
But well... I started this part of my trip in DROJU YF-L D9-54.
A bit ahead I found DROJU GB-M B41-4 a High metal planet with Silicate vapor geysers. First time I pay enough attention to the scan report to notice this. Niceeee!!! :-)
A bit ahead and after stopping some times to refuel my ship and to see how she was, and seeing that after some problems everything was kind of fine.
In NGC6530 Sector XO-A D18 2, I found out a water world orbiting a gas giant. It had an Argon atmosphere and water geysers. :-) This was wierd, having a planet that isn't a snowball orbiting a gas giant. :-\ I did took some photos.

In the background is the Lagoon nebula getting bigger has I draw closer. :-)

Some systems ahead in NGC 6530 Sector HW-U B34-4 while trying to refuel I got to close to a class B star. I had to engage the emergency stop and it wasn't a good idea, because I added more damage to my ships systems and I got my hull to 98%. It was not that bad, but it ain't that good either.
After this I checked all ships systems, they were all around 98%, 97%, 96%... it was not that bad. I only repaired the more important systems like propulsion, life support,... And I went about my life.
In 2MASS J18033327-2441272 has I came out of the jump at the beacon I saw a gas giant class III very close to its star. It was interesting! Didn't knew they could be that close. :-\

But I think that the coolest thing was to find a water-world and a earth-like orbiting eachother.

A bit futher and I arrived at Herschel 36 right in the middle of the nebula. :-)
It's a beautifull binary of class O stars. Very hot stars. :-)

I remembered the astronomy class where my teacher told us about the nmemonics to remember the class of the stars. "Oh Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me" (O B A F G K M)! It helps me to remember till this day. :-)

In this quite system I tried to repair my ship and, well it's better not having more situations of bad luck, because my ammo of the repair system is very low after this and I'm about 4599 ly from Sol. :-\

Computer, stop recording and bring me a beer!!! What do you mean you don't have hands??? :-\