Monday, March 16, 2015

The preparations

Well... how to start this?!

I never was much of storyteller... Yes... ok... I do tend to talk alot but. In my defense I'm not much of a storyteller so bear with me. And here we go!

For some time now I've been a bit tired of people. You know... they tend to talk alot, they tend to want all and usually they don't care about anyone else besides their own bellybutton. This doesn't seat right with me, so... I thought... I'm tired of pirates and yes it includes polititians(Those are the worst kind.).
Soo I thought I should you know... pack my things and be on my way towards the center of the galaxy. There won't be much people there. Actually there are only people a couple hundred light-years from Sol. Then a bit toward the center well... There will be less and less colonies, which means less people to mess with me.
Soooooo... A couple of days ago I was making my rare items run to Fujin system. I was a couple of light-seconds away from exiting my jump when I got interdicted by a pirate with a wanted sign. Well... I had lost a ship a day earlier to another pirate in Leesti. So I just didn't wanted to be alone in my suit just waiting for someone to lock into my emergency beacon to pick me up. Soo I talked to this guy and I explained to him I was fed up with people in general, and that I wanted to go to the galaxy center which is very very very far... He made a point that he wanted my cargo and I can relate to that because I also wanted my cargo, if not it wouldn't be on my ship. So I started to talk to him. He says: "You've to pay a toll. I'd like 8 tons of your finest cargo. Please."
Well he said please. Very polite pirate-gentelman.
So I replied, "Well I really need this cargo, because I need to get some money to go away in an quest."
And he says: "Yes. But I want those 8 tons."
I say: "Well what about we make a deal?!"
Him: "What kind of a deal?"
Me: "Do you want to join me on my quest?! To explore the center of the galaxy?"
Him: "Well that doesn't seat well with me. I don't like those kinds of trips!"
Me: "Ok. You've scanned my cargo, you know what I carry soo... how about you simply choose 4 tons of what you think it'll give you more money and I'll give them to you?"
Him: "Ok. What do you think would be best?"
Me: "I don't know mate. Well let me give you this 4 tons of...(I don't remember)"
I jettison the cargo into space, and then we started to talk. Well... He told me of a route of rares that I'd be safe. And also gave me some more pointers. Well has he was a very helpfull person I gave him 4 more tons of cargo. After that we became friends.
After a couple more runs I managed to upgrade my shields, timeshift drive and power plant to level B. I also got an intermediate discovery scanner and a detailed surface scanner. Soo... I think that I'm almost ready to go. I'll make some tests to my setup in the nearby empty systems and well... I'll be gone not to be missed in my jorney to the stars. Alone...